源码编译 OpenTenBase 速通版
git clone --depth=1 https://hub.fgit.cf/OpenTenBase/OpenTenBase.git
docker run -itd --name tbase --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --privileged=true --hostname vscode --mount type=bind,source=/home/wen/OpenTenBase,target=/workspaces/OpenTenBase runner bash
docker exec -it -u vscode tbase bash
sudo service ssh start
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo chown vscode:vscode -R /workspaces/OpenTenBase
mkdir -p .build/making
mkdir .data
cd .build/making
/workspaces/OpenTenBase/configure --prefix=/home/vscode/.build --enable-user-switch --with-openssl --with-ossp-uuid --enable-alltype-distri CFLAGS="-fgnu89-inline -g -O0"
make -j64 && make install && cd contrib && make -j64 && make install
cd ~
mkdir pgxc_ctl
# 写入下面的模板
touch pgxc_ctl/pg.conf
# ssh localhost
pgxc_ctl -c pg.conf init all
createdb -p 6011 vscode
# .bashrc 文件 此外,/home/vscode/.build/bin 需要写入到 /etc/environment
cat > /home/vscode/.bashrc <<EOF
export PATH="$PATH:/home/vscode/.build/bin"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/vscode/.build/lib"
export LC_ALL=C
alias psql='psql -p 6011'
alias pstart='pgxc_ctl -c pg.conf start all'
alias pstop='pgxc_ctl -c pg.conf stop all'
alias sqps="echo 'USER PID PPID VSZ CMD' ; ps -eo user,pid,ppid,vsize,cmd | grep -E 'postgres' "
conf file (pg.conf)
#------------------------ GTM ---------------------
#------------------------ Coordinators ---------------------
coordNames=(cn001 cn002)
coordMasterCluster=(vscode_cluster vscode_cluster)
coordPorts=(6011 6012)
poolerPorts=(6111 6112)
coordMasterServers=(vscode vscode)
coordMasterDirs=(/home/vscode/.data/cn001 /home/vscode/.data/cn002)
coordMaxWALSenders=(10 10)
coordArchLogDirs=(/home/vscode/.data/archlog/cn001 /home/vscode/.data/archlog/cn002)
cat > $coordExtraConfig <<EOF
# Added to all the coordinator postgresql.conf
# Original: $coordExtraConfig
include_if_exists = '/home/vscode/.data/global/global_vscode.conf'
wal_level = replica
wal_keep_segments = 256
max_wal_senders = 4
archive_mode = on
archive_timeout = 1800
archive_command = 'echo 0'
log_truncate_on_rotation = on
log_filename = 'postgresql-%M.log'
log_rotation_age = 4h
log_rotation_size = 100MB
hot_standby = on
wal_sender_timeout = 30min
wal_receiver_timeout = 30min
shared_buffers = 16384MB
max_pool_size = 2000
log_statement = 'ddl'
log_destination = 'csvlog'
logging_collector = on
log_directory = 'pg_log'
listen_addresses = '*'
max_connections = 2000
coordSpecificExtraConfig=(none none)
cat > $coordExtraPgHba <<EOF
local all all trust
host all all trust
host replication all trust
host all all ::1/128 trust
host replication all ::1/128 trust
coordSpecificExtraPgHba=(none none)
#------------------------ Datanodes ---------------------
datanodeNames=(dn001 dn002 dn003)
datanodePorts=(6021 6022 6023)
datanodePoolerPorts=(6121 6122 6123)
datanodeMasterCluster=(vscode_cluster vscode_cluster vscode_cluster)
datanodeMasterServers=(vscode vscode vscode)
datanodeMasterDirs=(/home/vscode/.data/dn001 /home/vscode/.data/dn002 /home/vscode/.data/dn003)
datanodeMaxWALSenders=(10 10 10)
datanodeArchLogDirs=(/home/vscode/.data/archlog/dn001 /home/vscode/.data/archlog/dn002 /home/vscode/.data/archlog/dn003)
cat > $datanodeExtraConfig <<EOF
# Added to all the coordinator postgresql.conf
# Original: $datanodeExtraConfig
include_if_exists = '/home/vscode/.data/global/global_vscode.conf'
listen_addresses = '*'
wal_level = replica
wal_keep_segments = 256
max_wal_senders = 4
archive_mode = on
archive_timeout = 1800
archive_command = 'echo 0'
log_directory = 'pg_log'
logging_collector = on
log_truncate_on_rotation = on
log_filename = 'postgresql-%M.log'
log_rotation_age = 4h
log_rotation_size = 100MB
hot_standby = on
wal_sender_timeout = 30min
wal_receiver_timeout = 30min
shared_buffers = 16384MB
max_connections = 4000
max_pool_size = 4000
log_statement = 'ddl'
log_destination = 'csvlog'
wal_buffers = 1GB
datanodeSpecificExtraConfig=(none none)
cat > $datanodeExtraPgHba <<EOF
local all all trust
host all all trust
host replication all trust
host all all ::1/128 trust
host replication all ::1/128 trust
datanodeSpecificExtraPgHba=(none none)
demo sql
select '
drop table if exists t0;
drop table if exists t0_2357_hash; drop table if exists t1_2357_hash; drop table if exists t2_2357_hash;
drop table if exists t0_2357_mod; drop table if exists t1_2357_mod; drop table if exists t2_2357_mod;
drop table if exists t0_2357_repl; drop table if exists t1_2357_repl; drop table if exists t2_2357_repl;
drop table if exists t0_2357_round; drop table if exists t1_2357_round; drop table if exists t2_2357_round;
drop table if exists t0_2357_random; drop table if exists t1_2357_random; drop table if exists t2_2357_random;
' droptable \gset
select '
create table t0(a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp);
insert into t0 values
(1, 1, ''1'', ''2021-12-29 20:10:01''),(2, 2, ''2'', ''2022-12-29 20:10:01''),(3, 3, ''3'', ''2023-12-29 20:10:01''),(4, 4, ''4'', ''2024-12-29 20:10:01''),
(5, 5, ''5'', ''2025-12-29 20:10:01''),(6, 6, ''6'', ''2026-12-29 20:10:01''),(7, 7, ''7'', ''2027-12-29 20:10:01''),(8, 8, ''8'', ''2028-12-29 20:10:01''),
(9, 9, ''9'', ''2029-12-29 20:10:01''),(10, 10, ''10'', ''2010-12-29 20:10:01''),(11, 11, ''11'', ''2011-12-29 20:10:01''),(12, 12, ''12'', ''2012-12-29 20:10:01''),
(13, 13, ''13'', ''2013-12-29 20:10:01''),(14, 14, ''14'', ''2014-12-29 20:10:01''),(15, 15, ''15'', ''2015-12-29 20:10:01''),(16, 16, ''16'', ''2016-12-29 20:10:01''),
(17, 17, ''17'', ''2017-12-29 20:10:01''),(18, 18, ''18'', ''2018-12-29 20:10:01''),(19, 19, ''19'', ''2019-12-29 20:10:01''),(20, 20, ''20'', ''2020-12-29 20:10:01'');
create table t0_2357_hash (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by hash (a);
create table t0_2357_mod (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by modulo(a);
create table t0_2357_repl (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by REPLICATION;
create table t0_2357_round (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by roundrobin;
create table t0_2357_random (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY;
create table t1_2357_hash (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by hash (a);
create table t1_2357_mod (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by modulo(a);
create table t1_2357_repl (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by REPLICATION;
create table t1_2357_round (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by roundrobin;
create table t1_2357_random (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY;
create table t2_2357_hash (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by hash (a);
create table t2_2357_mod (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by modulo(a);
create table t2_2357_repl (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by REPLICATION;
create table t2_2357_round (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTE by roundrobin;
create table t2_2357_random (a int, b int, c char(10), d timestamp) DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY;
insert into t0_2357_hash select * from t0;
insert into t0_2357_mod select * from t0;
insert into t0_2357_repl select * from t0;
insert into t0_2357_round select * from t0;
insert into t0_2357_random select * from t0;
insert into t1_2357_hash select * from t0;
insert into t1_2357_mod select * from t0;
insert into t1_2357_repl select * from t0;
insert into t1_2357_round select * from t0;
insert into t1_2357_random select * from t0;
insert into t2_2357_hash select * from t0;
insert into t2_2357_mod select * from t0;
insert into t2_2357_repl select * from t0;
insert into t2_2357_round select * from t0;
insert into t2_2357_random select * from t0;
vacuum analyze t0_2357_hash; vacuum analyze t1_2357_hash; vacuum analyze t2_2357_hash;
vacuum analyze t0_2357_mod; vacuum analyze t1_2357_mod; vacuum analyze t2_2357_mod;
vacuum analyze t0_2357_repl; vacuum analyze t1_2357_repl; vacuum analyze t2_2357_repl;
vacuum analyze t0_2357_round; vacuum analyze t1_2357_round; vacuum analyze t2_2357_round;
vacuum analyze t0_2357_random; vacuum analyze t1_2357_random; vacuum analyze t2_2357_random;
' createtable \gset
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